share the gift. What would have happened if the plan Jesus had for his disciples had full worked? In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus told his disciples to “go and make more […]
El Salvador, a country of roughly six million people, has, according to the Government of El Salvador statistics, 70,000 known gang members from several gangs including MaraSalvatrucha (MS-13) and Eighteenth […]
I, Tom, truly delight in sharing the gospel outside the church. I especially like group witnessing to ‘captive audiences’ in waiting rooms. We’d been postponing getting our car oil changed […]
Praise the Lord! Elijah was a man just like us, but through his faith he was able to do many miraculous things. As we serve the same God he had […]
We received funding for a Motor bike for our village outreaches. Since Fallie is in our focus for now, we are working with our evangelism team, training and preparing them […]
New building is almost ready Destiny of Hope Orphanage – Destino de Esperanza The new building is almost ready to move into!!!Since April, we have had 3 groups of volunteers to come and […]
Individuals from the church in Hermosillo are ministering in our church in Villa Hidalgo.Every two weeks a team travels about four hours to be with the believers here. We’re so […]
The Sacpulup church is a congregation in a Central America community with meager means, but it is rich in faith and works. Thanks to donors who sensed God’s nudge, we […]
Greetings from rainy Freetown Freetown-Sierra Leone. All the churches of Christians in Action Sierra Leone are operating under the theme of Establishing a Transformed Generation for Such a Time as This, […]
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