Greetings from rainy Freetown Freetown-Sierra Leone.
All the churches of Christians in Action Sierra Leone are operating under the theme of Establishing a Transformed Generation for Such a Time as This, as we go through a period of makeover for the entire ministry. It is our prayer that the Lord, through the power of the Holy Spirit will do something new in us, as we move forward.
The first Thursday of May has been instituted as a National Day of Prayer and fasting for the ministry of CinASL, it was a day of reflections, supplication and thanksgiving, and this will be observed on a yearly basis. On May 25th-29th, we held our Annual Conference meeting in Bo, the second largest city in Sierra Leone, which is about 150 miles from Freetown. Since the inception of our National Conference 31 years ago, this is the first time we have had it outside the capital, Freetown. We are so thankful to God for meeting our financial needs to make this meeting possible. It is so amazing what God can do when you completely put your trust in Him. The conference was well attended, as every church was fully represented. One of the highlights of the event was the witnessing outreach held in the community, with 60 people making a decision for Christ, and 10 of them joining us in the Thanksgiving Service on Sunday.
Let me take this opportunity to give thanks to the Lord for our students. Eleven of them graduated from our National Training School. It was a day of celebration as they shared how they benefited from the course. A new batch of 11 students have entered the training School, after the last graduation. This is how we build leaders through training, and we are so excited about what God is doing, as we prepare our future leaders.
The Lord will never cease to do amazing things – one of our church members from the Central Church bought 4 motor cycles for our pastors. God moved him to meet this urgent need, and he responded. What a surprise! But that’s how God works, where you least expect is where the miracle will come from. We have 6 bikes, 3 more to go!
Please pray for:
Thank you for partnering with us in the Lord’s work.
Together With Him,
Issa & Daphne Kargbo
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