In retrospective, 2015 has been a good year. God has blessed me with family and friends, leading worship at Journey Church Guatemala, making a few worship videos for YouTube, completing a year and a half mark with my beautiful girlfriend Gabriela, and having taken my first 6 classes from Liberty University Online maintaining a 4.0 for the first time. Ever!
The desire to serve God with greater purpose has lead me to discover a simple conclusion through prayer and scripture this year:
1) Love God (Matt. 22:37)
2) Love Others (Matt. 22:39)
3) Make Disciples (Matt. 28:19-20)
It might sound simple but we could dig deep into the subject of what it means to love God with all our heart, mind and soul and love our neighbor as ourselves. What about making disciples? God is opening a unique door for me to do this next year.
I would like to briefly share with you the goals I have mapped out for 2016 and ask that you would consider praying for God’s wisdom and favor over these plans and that He would truly be glorified.
2016 GOALS
* Record and English worship album with Journey Church Guatemala
* Record my first full-length Spanish worship album LIVE
* Launch MJ Guatemala (Ministerio Juvenil Guatemala) which is a ministry dedicated to the youth of the 16 churches under Christians in Actions Missions International in Guatemala and carrying out the vision, “united and prepared for the Great Commission”
* Take steps towards reaching ministry support goals
* Continue to advance in theology classes at Liberty University
* Prayerfully consider next steps in relationship goals
Friends, without God’s divine intervention these plans for 2016 will not happen. These are no simple tasks and they require lots of planning, investment, dedication and ultimately the hand of God. I am believing and stepping out in faith that God will meet me on the battle front as I face the giants.
May God bless you and encourage you to live the new year with kingdom purpose, to be salt and light wherever He has placed you, and to love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul.
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