We live in amazingly turbulent days in 2016. Who thought that a billionaire businessman would become the president of the U.S? Apparently Americans wanted change in Washington D.C. What changes will this bring to the U.S. political landscape in America and globally? These are all questions that we will see developing in the months ahead.
The one thing I know is however the U.S. election came out God is in charge. Nothing is a surprise to him as he has seen this political drama play out over centuries of time. This gives me a sense of real peace and comfort. It gives me a daily reminder to be the best I can be as a follower of Jesus Christ, whoever, is politically in charge.
Our task as followers of Jesus is to be a daily living light to those we engage with and those who watch how we live. The Word of God says in Matthew 5:16; ” In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Christians in Action missionaries and national pastors and leaders are living out the great commission and great compassion of Christ every day in our countries of ministry. If it is feeding 100’s of school children in the Philippines, developing a new school for children in Liberia, medical outreaches, drilling fresh water wells in Muslim villages in Sierra Leone, leading individuals to Jesus, planting churches in Latin America and many other ministries, their light is shining brightly for Jesus.
Dr. Gordon Donoho
CinA CEO/President
President’s Blog
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